Supervised theses (PhD & Msc research) and postdocs
- Nhat Thien Pham. PhD Student (2018 - nov.2022). PhD in Data Science & AI, Scholarship on ANR SMILES.
Subject: Μοdeling and Learning with Μixtures οf Εxperts fοr Functiοnal Data and Distributed Data - Trung Tin Nguyen (Currently PostDoc at INRIA). PhD in Statistics & Data Science (nov-2018- dec. 2021, Caen), MESR Scholarship (Cosupervisor Hien D Nguyen, Australia).
Thesis: Μοdel Selectiοn and Αpprοximatiοn in Ηigh-dimensiοnal Μixtures οf Εxperts Μοdels: Frοm Τheοry tο Ρractice -
Van Hà Hoang (currently lecturer in Vietnam). 2018-2020. PostDoc on the project AStERiCs (with LMRS Rouen Lab, coll A. Channarond, G. Chagny LMR Rouen)
Topics: mixture modeling and functional data analysis -
Bao Tuyen Huynh (Currently Lecturer in Vietnam). PhD in Statistics & Data Science (2016-2019), Campus France Scholarship.
Thesis: Estimation and Feature Selection in High-Dimensional Mixtures-of-Experts Modesls - Marius Bartcus (2018-2020). Research Engineer. Working on the project AsTERiCs
Topics: Model-based clustering of high-dimensional data, Mixture-of-experts; R port of software - Florian Lecoq (2018-2019). Research Engineer/after Master research Intern. Project Internship on ANR SMILES and RE on ANR SMILES
Topics: Model-based clustering of high-dimensional data, Mixture-of-experts; R port of software - José G. Gómez García. Postdoc (2018-2020) has worked on the project AStERiCs, with a focus on mixtures-of-experts based neural network architechtures for non-linear modeling (coll with J. Fadili)
- Marius Bartcus (Currently research engineer); PhD Oct. 2012 - Oct. 2015 (Toulon)
Thesis Bayesian non-parametric parsimonious mixtures for model-based clustering
Co-supervised with Pr. Hervé Glotin (LSIS) -
Rakia Jaziri (currently assitant professor), PhD 2010-2013 (Paris 13)
Subject: Modèles de mélanges topologiques pour la classification de données structurées en séquences (« Topographic mixtures for the classification of sequential data »).
Partially supervised with Pr Y. Bennani and M. Lebbah (LIPN) - Dorra Trabelsi (currently assitant professor), PhD 2010-2013 (Paris 12)
Subject: Contribution à la reconnaissance non-intrusive d'activités humaines (« Contribution to non-intrusive human activity recognition »).
Co-supervised with: Pr L. Oukhellou (IFSTTAR), Pr Y. Amirat and Dr S. Mohammed (LISSI) -
Sabrine El Amari (currently software engineer); Master research internship; feb-jun/ 2016
Subject: Variational learning of parsimonious Dirichlet Process mixtures -
Ahmad Tay (currently PhD student); Master research training started by may 2015
Subject: Study of Block mixtures for clustering -
Ahmed Hosni (currently software engineer); Master research training , 03-08, 2014
Subject: Bayesian learning of random effects regression mixtures from spatial functional data -
Hiba Badri (currently CRM project manager); Master training february-june 2013
Subject: Bayesian Learning of pobabilistic models from functional data -
Céline Rabouy (currently school professor of mathematics); Master 2 training; 01-06, 2012
Subject: Modeling of functional data with application on identification of dolphin images
Co-supervised with Pr. Hervé Glotin (LSIS)
Invited Professors
A. Pr. Michael Fop, University College Dublin. One month in November 2019
Dr. Hien D. Nguyen, La Trobe University. One month in June 2017, June 2018, and November 2018
Prof Peter Tino, University of Birmingham. One week in 2017 and One week in 2018 (S4D School)
Prof Abbas Khalili, McGill University. One week in 2018 (S4D School)
Prof Geoff McLachlan, University of Queensland. One month in 2015 (in Toulon)