Main teaching duties
2024--Currently: Professeur attaché (adjunct Professor) of AI at Université Paris-Saclay, teaching in the Master of Science in AI and in the Master of Science in Data Science of the SaclAI-School of UPSaclay:
Responsible and teacher of the following courses from 2016 to 2022 (Average of 275+ teaching hours per year) :
- Responsible of the course TC2-Optimization for Machine Learning
- Co-Responsible (with Sylvain Chevallier) of the course T3A-Machine Learning
- Responsable du cours Statistical Machine Learning
- Director of the Master 2 degree in Statistics and Decision Analytics (SAD), from 2017 - 2019
- Member of the council of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Director of the Bachelor degree in Engineering sciences from 2012 to 2015
- Responsible of the second year of the Bachelor degree in Engineering sciences
- Responsible of the tutoring in computer science at the faculty of science at Toulon university
Responsible and teacher of the following courses from 2016 to 2022 (Average of 275+ teaching hours per year) :
- Probabilities, Statistics 3 (Bsc in Maths & Applied Maths)
- Data Analysis 1 (Bsc in Maths & Applied Maths)
- Data Analysis and Classification (Master 1 Statistics & Master 1 Computer Science)
- Statistical Learning (Master 2 Statistics & Master 2 Computer Science)
- Time series Analysis (Master 2 Statistics)
- Programming (Language C and Python) (Bsc Computer Science)
- Probabilities (Bsc Computer Science)
- Inferential Statistics (Master 1 Computer Science)
- Statistical Learning and Data Analysis (Master 2 Computer Science)
TC2: Optimization for Machine Learning
Master of Science in AI and Master of Science in Data Science @ Université Paris-Saclay
Optimization for Machine Learning
Course Slides
Course Slides
- week1: Introductions and background: [pdf Slides]
- week2: Continuous optimization formulation and basic concepts; Optimization concepts over multivariate continuous spaces; Convexity and Differentiability; Gradient and Hessian concepts; Examples in Machine Learning [pdf Slides], TD, TP
- week3: continuous optimizaiton (Gradient descent methods) : Mathetamatical construction of descent methods, Gradient Descent, Descent Directions, Convergence and Convergence rates; Step-size tuning and Line Search; Accelerations [pdf Slides], TD , TP
- week4: Continuous optimization (Second order methods : Newton methods including Quasi-Newton, secant, IRLS); and mid-term exam [pdf Slides], TD , TP
- week5: constrained optimizaiton: Equality and Inequality constraints, Duality/Lagrangian, KKT optimality conditions; Examples in ML [pdf Slides], TD , TP
- week6: Stochastic optimization, Non-convex optimization (Stochastic Gradient, The EM Algorithm); Examples in ML [pdf Slides], TD
- [TD1] [solution]
- [TD-TP-2] [solution]
- [TD-3] [solution]
- [TP-3]
- [TD-5] [solution] (part 1 (mixture weights) cf. notes in class) )
T3A: Machine Learning Algorithms
Master of Science in AI and Master of Science in Data Science @ Université Paris-Saclay
T3A: Machine Learning Algorithms
Course Slides
Practical Sessions
Course Slides
- Week4: Probabilistic framework for machine learning: Discriminative vs Generative learning, Empirical Risk Minimization, Risk Decomposition, Bias-Variance Tradeoff; Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), MLE and OLS in regression, MLE and IRLS in softmax classification
- Introductions and background: [pdf Slides]
- Supervised Learning Decision-Theory: [pdf Slides]
- Risks, Bias-Variance, OLS ..: [pdf Slides]
- Week5: Unsupervised Learning and Clustering: K-means, Mixture Models, EM algorithms,..
- Unsupervised Learning: K-means, GMMs, EM ..: [pdf Slides]
- Week6: Unsupervised Learning and Dimensionality reduction: PCA, Probabilistic PCA & EM, ICA,…
- Unsupervised Learning: Dimensionality Reduction: PCA, PPCA, EMPPCA: [pdf Slides]
- Unsupervised Learning: Dimensionality Reduction: tSNE: [tSNE-en] [tSNE-fr]
Practical Sessions
- Risks, Bias-Variance, OLS, etc:
- Matlab notebook in html : [.html]
- Matlab script: [.m]
- Python Jupyter notebook : [donwload the .ipynb file]
- tp GMM_EM : [TP GMM EM]
- Python Jupyter notebook : [donwload the .ipynb file]
- PCA, tSNE :
- Python Jupyter notebook : [donwload the .ipynb file]
- Final Exam (CT): week7, february 20, 2025. [CT]
Statistical Learning
MS IAC -- Mastère Spécialisé en Intelligence Artificielle de Confiance @Centrale Supélec
Part 1
- Slide Materials
- General Introduction [pdf]
- Supervised Learning Risks [pdf]
- Bias-Variance, OLS [pdf]
- Regression [pdf]
- Risks, Bias-Variance, OLS, etc:
- Regression, prediction, and confidence intervals:
- Apartments Data:
- Simulation Data:
Slide Materials
- Practical sessions
Unsupervised Learning
- Slides TBA
- Practical sessions TBA
Master SAAD
Master 2 Statistics & Decision Analytics / Master 2 Computer Science : Probabilistic Learning and Data Analysis (CM/TP)
[Slides (all)]
- Review of probability and statistics (in french)[ pdf]
- Review of parameter estimation - Maximum Likelihood, OLS, Regression... (in french) [pdf]
- Introductionary concepts, Pattern recognition, Machine Learning [pdf]
- Supervised Learning: Classification (KNN, Gaussian Discriminant Analyses, Logistic/Softmax regression) [pdf]
- Unsupervised learning: Clustering, Kmeans, Mixtures, Model Selection [pdf]
- Unsupervised learning: Topographic Learning (SOM, GTM, GTM through time)[pdf]
- Unsupervised learning: Sequential Data Modeling, Markov Chains, HMMs, Baum-Welch (EM), Viterbi[pdf]
- Unsupervised learning: Dimensionality reduction (PCA, Probabilistic PCA, Factor Analysis, EM)[pdf]
Slides per topic:
Practical work:
- Gaussian Discriminant Analysis and Logistic regression (supervised learning)[pdf] [solution]
- KNN (tp)[pdf]
- Supervised learning, Tp (LDA-QDA)[pdf] [pdf]
- Unsupervised learning: Kmeans and xEM clustering[pdf]
- Kmeans (TP)[pdf]
- EM-GMM (TP)[pdf]
- Sequential Data Modeling (HMMs)[pdf] [solution]
- Principal Component Analysis and Classification (TP, ACP- faces images)[pdf]
- Regression Mixtures and EM (TP) [pdf]
- Examen Terminal 2020[pdf]
- Examen TP 2020[pdf]
- Examen Terminal 2018[pdf] [correction]
- Examen TP 2018[pdf] [correction]
- Examen Terminal 2017[pdf] [Solution]
- Examen TP1 2017[pdf] [correction]
- Examen TP2 2017[pdf] [correction]
Master 2 Statistics & Decision Analytics : Time series clustering and segmentation (CM/TD/TP)
Licence 3 Mathematics and applied Mathematics (MIASHS) / Master 1 Stat/CS: Data Analysis (CM/TD/TP)
Polycopié : [pdf]
- Partiel L3: [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Examen Terminal M1: [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Examen Terminal L3: [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- TDs partie n°1: [pdf] [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- TDs partie n°2: [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- TDs partie n°3: [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- TDs partie n°4: [pdf] Solution [pdf] Practical Works (TPs)
- TP n°1: [pdf]
- TP n°2: [pdf]
- TP n°3: [pdf]
- TP n°4: [pdf]
- TP n°5: [pdf]
- TP n°6: [pdf]
Practical Works (TDs)
Licence 3 Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (MIASHS): Probabilités et statistique (CM/TD)
- Contrôle Terminal 2020: [pdf] Correction [pdf]
- Partiel 2020: [pdf] Correction [pdf]
- Partiel 2017: [pdf] Correction [pdf]
- Partiel 2018: [pdf] Correction [pdf]
- Examaen TP 2018 (R): [pdf] Solution R [pdf]
- Examaen TP 2017 (R): [pdf] Solution R [pdf]
- Examen Terminal'17: [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Examen Terminal'18: [pdf] Solution [pdf] Practical Works (TDs, TPs):
- Partie 1 (TDs): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Partie 2 (TDs): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Partie 3 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°1 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°2 (TP): [pdf] Solution [script-tp1.m] [script-LGN.m] [draw_ellipse.m] [normdenhist.m]
- Practical work n°3 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°4 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°5 (TP): [pdf]
Slides: [pdf] . Polys: [pdf] [pdf]
Practical Works (TDs, TPs)
Licence 2 Mathematics : Probabilités et statistique (TD)
Past: at Toulon University
[2011/2012] [2012/2013] [2013/2014] [2014/2015][2015]- Master 2 Informatique : Probabilistic Learning and Data Analysis (D33) [PDF] Slides
- Review of probability and statistics [PDF]
- Parameter estimation - Maximum Likelihood method, ... [PDF]
- Pattern recognition an machine learning concepts; Classification (discrimination), ... [PDF]
- Mixture models, GMM and EM - KmeansClustering - Model-Based Clustering, ... [PDF]
- SOM, GTM, GTM Through Time [PDF]
- Markov Chains, HMMs, Baum-Welch (EM), Viterbi [PDF]
- Practical work n°1 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work (TP) n°2: [pdf]
- Practical work n°3 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°4 (TP): [pdf]
- Practical work n°5 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°6 (TP): [pdf]
- Master 2 Informatique : Initiation à la recherche (Initiation to research)
- Studied Paper: Miin-Shen Yang, Chien-Yo Lai, Chih-Ying Lin. "A robust EM clustering algorithm for Gaussian mixture models", Pattern Recognition , Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 3950–3961 [pdf] Solution: was provided by e-mail (please see your email box)
- Master 1 Informatique : Eléments de statistique Inférentielle (Elements of inferential statistics) (d13) [slides pdf]    [Polycopié]
- review of probability and stat, Random vectors, Gaussian vectors, Central Limit thm, etc [PDF]
- Estimation theory, Estimators properties, Cramér-Rao Lower Bound, estimation methods [PDF]
- Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) [PDF]
- Least Squares Estimators (LSE), Linear regression [PDF]
- Interval estimation, Confidence intervals [PDF]
- Hypothesis Testing [PDF]
- Practical work n°1 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°2 (TP): [pdf] Solution [script-tp1.m] [script-LGN.m] [draw_ellipse.m] [normdenhist.m]
- Practical work n°3 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°4 (TD): [pdf] Solution [pdf]
- Practical work n°5 (TP): [pdf]
- Licence 2 Sciences pour l'Ingénieur : Programmation II – Langage C (C programming ) (I41) Polycopié : [pdf]
- TD n°1: [pdf]
- TD n°2: [pdf]
- TD n°3: [pdf]
- TD n°4: [pdf] Practical Works (TPs) (in French)
- TP n°1: [pdf]
- TP n°2: [pdf]
- TP n°3: [pdf]
- TP n°4: [pdf]
- TP n°5: [pdf]
- Projects
- Projet n°1: [pdf]
- Projet n°2: [pdf]
- Projet n°3: [pdf]
- Projet n°4: [pdf]
- Projet n°5: [pdf]
- Licence 2 Sciences pour l'Ingénieur : Probabilités discètres (Discrete Probability) (MI48) Polycopié : [pdf]
- Licence 1 Sciences pour l'Ingénieur : Algorithmique + programmation Python (Algorithmics + Python programming ) (I11 ; I21)
Practical Works (TDs, TPs)
Slides (in French) :
Practical Works (TDs, TPs) (in French)
Practical Works (TDs) (in French)
Past at Paris 13 University :
[2007-2011]- Temporary Research and Teaching Assistant (ATER) (march 2010 - July 2011)
- Mathématiques et informatique
- Introduction Structures de Données Linéaires
- Algorithmique des Structures de Données Linéaires
- Programmation Impérative
- Programmation Orientée Objet (Java)
- Algorithmique et Arbres
- Teaching Assistant (Moniteur) (2007-2010)
- C Programming Langage (64h/year)
- XHTML (32h/year), Introduction to GTK (32h/year)