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Si vous êtes en Master 2 ou en dernière année d’école d’ingénieur en France et que vous souhaitez effectuer un stage orienté recherche de 4 à 6 mois sur l’IA générative appliquée aux séries temporelles,
avec un intérêt pour poursuivre en thèse sur le sujet, vous pouvez postuler à cette offre en m'envoyant votre dossier de candidature directement ou via le lien ci-dessous :
(Gratification : 1300 € brut mensuel)
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[News! 12/18/23] 👉Checkout our "Distributed Learning of Mixtures of Experts" published on ArXiv with the open-source codes made publicly available on Github!
[News! 12/17/23] I give an invited talk titled "Learning mixtures-of-experts from heterogenous and high-dimensional data" at CMStatistics 2023 - 16th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, Functional Data Clustering Session. >> Learn more
[News! 11/30/23] Une offre de thèse IRT SystemX / Ecole Polytechnique en Science des Données et Intelligence Artificielle sur le sujet intitulé >> Estimation probabiliste des indicateurs de santé de systèmes complexes
[News! 11/12/23] I give a conference talk at 3ème Journées de Statistique Mathématiques et Data Science titled "Leveraging statistical mixtures and learning techniques in some data science problems". >> Learn more
[News! 11/09/23] I gave a talk on "On some approaches of deep learning for physical simulation in Industry" during the AI, Data, Robotics Forum: Generative AI for European society and industry. Workshop Leveraging AI-based Physical Simulation for Industry. >> Learn more
[News! 11/05/23] We organize the 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Engineering (AIAE'23) On December 7, 2023, at Institut Pascal (Orsay): you still have time to register and to submit your contribution on physics-informed machine learning for simulation or related topics by November 16 >> Learn more on https://aiae23.sciencesconf.org/
[News! 11/05/23] In conjonction with the European AI, Data, Robotics Forum We organize a Workshop on Leveraging AI-based Physical Simulation for Industry which will be held in Versailles by November, 9. Looking forward to meeting you there.
[News! 10/12/23] Participation à la 8ème édition de la journée Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Day organisée par le hub DSAI du pôle Systematic et qui s'est tenue dans le 13ème où avec Patrice Aknin j'ai parlé d'IA hybride.
[News! 9/22/23] Today is the last day of a dense week of research discussions in AI during #ECML PKDD 2023 at Torino (around good food and coffee) i was happy to attending. I share very few snapshots of numerous excellent talks in particular the three very thoughtful keynotes. These AI for natural science including physics like physics informed GNNs, and Generative AI, are main topics to us at SystemX around which we have structuring projects and research roadmap. IRT SystemX had also two workshop paper contributions on hybrid and trustworthy AI: Paper 1, Paper 2 and i was also delighted to chair the oral session on hashtag `Generative Models'. See you next year in Vilnius (and in two years in Porto)!
[News! 9/15/23] Abdelmouaiz Tebjou just presented first results of his ongoing phd research in the conference COPA 2023 - Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications (we nejoyed it in Cyprus this year). You may get a look at the paper here . This work has been conducted as part of IRT SystemX within the Confiance.ai program and supported by the French program France2030.
[Hiring!] Available PhD position on « Méthodologie d’évaluation de la fidélité des modèles de simulation 0D/1D, de leur hybridation et de leur assemblage » (physical modeling and numerical computation /learning/optimisation/scientific computing). attratcive package including a salary of +2700€ gross/month. >> Learn more and how to apply
[Hiring!] Available PostDoc position (1year, starting asap, attractive package) on the research topic « Multi-objective Surrogate Performance Prediction Models for Hardware Design Space Exploration» >> Learn more and how to apply
[News!] If you are attending ECML PKDD next week in Grenoble and want to learn more about #trustworthy #AI and the scientific and technological challenges it powers in #industry, including in #criticalsystems 👉 come to our industrial sessions on 🗓 Friday, steptember 23d, organized in conjonction with the flagship program on the subject Confiance AI: a French unique community to design and industrialise trustworthy AI-based critical systems 👉Checkout the program here: https://2022.ecmlpkdd.org/index.php/industrial-day/
[News!] Check out our new results regarding the approximation capabilities of finite mixture models!
[News!] Research School on statistics and Data Science (RSSDS 2019), La Trobe, Melbourne, 24–26 July 2019
[News!] Research Summer School on Statistics for Data Science (S4D). 18 - 22 june 2018, Caen - France
[News!] SBDS 2017 : Research Summer School in Statistics & BigData Science. 7-9 June 2017, Caen - France
[Hiring!] Master internship position
[News!] ERMITES 2012: International Summer School on «Representations and Decisions in Cognitive Vision»
[Hiring!] Master Research Internship position on "Bayesian inference of block mixtures for co-clustering"