
  1. "Programme d’Intelligence Artificielle Générative pour l’Industrie de l’IRT SystemX (IAG)". Talk at Pole Systematic - Hub Data Science and AI (DSAI) - Club DS&AI “IA Générative” 2025., 07 March, 2025. Palaiseau pdf
  2. "On some research and innovation challenges in AI". Talk at Trinity College Dublin., October, 2024. Dublin pdf
  3. "On some modern statistical and machine learning approaches for industrial applications". Talk at CISEM 2024 - Colloque International Statistique et Econométrie., May, 2024. Mahdia pdf
  4. "On some statistical and machine learning problems in research and engineering: Challenges and industrial applications in Hybrid & Trustworthy AI". Talk at Koc University, KUIS AI Center., May, 2024. Istanbul pdf
  5. "Learning mixtures-of-experts from heterogenous and high-dimensional data". CMStatistics 2023 - 16th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics., December, 2023. Berlin pdf
  6. "Leveraging statistical mixtures and learning techniques in some data science problems". Journeés de Statistique Mathématiques et Data Science., November, 2023. Hammamet pdf
  7. "On some approaches of deep learning for physical simulation in Industry". AI, Data, Robotics Forum: Generative AI for European society and industry. Workshop Leveraging AI-based Physical Simulation for Industry., November, 2023. Versailles pdf
  8. "Hybrid AI @ SystemX". Visit of the Czech AI Delegation to SystemX., October, 2023. Palaiseau pdf
  9. "L'IA hybride". 8ème édition Data Science & Artificial Intelligence (DSAI) Day. P. Aknin and F. Chamroukhi., October, 2023. Paris 13ème pdf
  10. "Chair of the Session "Generative Models 1" @ ECML PKDD 2023"., September, 2023. Torino pdf
  11. "IRT SystemX: Votre transformation numérique par l'IA". La Matinale de la French Tech Paris Saclay: Les technologies IA au coeur de vos enjeux business., June, 2023. Paris-Saclay pdf
  12. "Statistical Learning from heterogenous, high-dimensional and distributed data". Seminar Talk @ The DAVID laboratory/Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) - Université Paris Saclay., April, 2023. Versailles pdf
  13. "On a new family of mixtures-of-experts models for learning from heterogeneous and distributed data". Heads'Up @ SystemX., Jan, 2023. Palaiseau pdf
  14. "Sur une nouvelle famille de mélanges d'experts pour l'apprentissage à partir de données hétérogènes à l'échelle". Seminar @ Université Polytechnique Hauts-De-France / Lab of Maths., Dec, 2022. Valenciennes pdf
  15. "The industrial challenges of deploying AI in critical systems". ECML PKDD - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases., September, 2022. Grenoble pdf
  16. "Scientific challenges of Confiance.AI". ECML PKDD - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases., September, 2022. Grenoble pdf
  17. "Apprentissage statistique en vue du passage à l'echelle: représentation, inférence et sélection". Seminar @ LIPN - The Computer Science Lan of the University of Sorbonne Paris Nord, Machine Learning Team., May, 2022. Paris pdf
  18. "Mixtures-of-experts with functional predictors". Talk at the 14th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2021)., December, 2021. London, UK pdf
  19. "Optimized Learning of Structured Random Systems". Talk at Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)., March, 2021. Lux pdf
  20. "Statistical Analysis Tools for Complex Time-Series Data". Talk hosted by R-Ladies, Tunis Section., nov, 2020. Tunis pdf
  21. "Towards a Random Ecosystem of Data Intelligence". Talk @ The Mathematical Sciences department Auckland University of Technology., , 2020. Auckland, New-Zeland pdf
  22. "Mixtures-of-Experts for Functional Data". Talk @ The University of Queensland, School of Mathematics and Physics., August, 2019. Brisbane, Australia pdf
  23. "Unsupervised Statistical Learning from Heterogeneous Time-Series and Functional Data". Keynote note talk at the Research School on Statistics and Data Science-RSSDS 2019., July, 2019. La Trobe University, Melbourne pdf
  24. "Functional Mixtures-of-Experts". Working group on Statistics & Data Sciences @ LMNO., June, 2019. Caen pdf
  25. "Functional Mixtures-of-Experts". Invited talk at the Model-based and multivariate functional data session, CRONOS Multivariate Data Analysis workshop., April, 2019. Limassol, Cyprius pdf
  26. "Statistical Modeling and Inference for unsupervised Learning at LargE-Scale". Kickoff meeting of the project ANR SMILES., February, 2019. Paris pdf
  27. "Statistical data science and some unsupervised learning problems". Keynote note talk @ the International Symposium on Data Science and Computational Intelligence DSCI 2018., December, 2018. Hammamet, Tunisia pdf
  28. "ANR SMILES". Journée de l'ANR du 29 novembre 2018: Réunion de lancements de projets du CE 40., november, 2018. Paris pdf
  29. "Model-based (co-)clustering in some high-dimensional scenarios". Annual Summer Session of the Working Group on Model-Based Clustering, Ann Arbor, USA., July, 2018. Ann Arbor, USA pdf
  30. "Introduction of S4D 2018". International Research Summer School in Statistics & Data Science - S4D 2018., june, 2018. Caen pdf
  31. "Unsupervised learning from high-dimensional and functional data". International Research Summer School in Statistics & Data Science - S4D 2018., june, 2018. Caen pdf
  32. "On some new Mixtures-of-Experts Models". International Research Summer School in Statistics & Data Science - S4D 2018., june, 2018. Caen pdf
  33. "Asterics: Apprentissage Statistique à l'Echelle pour la Représentation et la Classification non-supervisées". Normandie Université., 02 Oct, 2018. Caen, France pdf
  34. "SMILES: Statistical Modeling and Inference for unsupervised Learning at LargE-Scale". Talk at the days of the Normandy Federations of Mathematics (Normath) and Information Sciences and Technologies (Normastic)., 12 Oct, 2018. Rouen, France pdf
  35. "Model-Based Co-Clustering of High-Dimensional Functional Data". ERCIM 2017 : The 10th International Conference of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics on Computational and Methodological Statistics, London, UK., December, 2017. London, UK
  36. "Introduction on Sata Science". International Research Summer School in Statistics & BigData Science - SBDS 2017., june, 2017. Caen pdf
  37. "Sciences des données". Journée Interlabs, Pôle de Compététivité Transactions Electroniques Securisées - TES., 27 Nov, 2017. Pôle de Formation et de Recherche en Santé, Caen pdf
  38. "On some statistical data analysis and learning problems in Data Science". Plenary talk at the days of the Normandy Federation of Information Sciences and Technologies (Normastic), Rouen, France., 30 Mar, 2017. Rouen, France pdf
  39. "On some mixtures for modeling complex datasets". Séminaire Statistique et Sciences des données, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme (UMR LMNO)., 02 feb, 2017. Caen pdf
  40. "Hierarchical dynamical mixtures for functional data clustering and segmentation". Joint Statistics Seminar, Department of mathematics, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium., 01 Dec, 2016. Leuven, Belgium pdf
  41. "Statistical learning of latent variable models for complex data analysis". Plenary talk at the days of the Federation of Mathematics of Normandie (FNM), Rouen, France., 06 Oct, 2016. Rouen, France pdf
  42. "Statistical learning of latent variable models for complex data analysis". Seminar of Institut Elie Cartan, IECL - UMR CNRS 7502 - Nancy, France., April 18, 2016. Nancy, France pdf
  43. "Statistical learning of latent variable models for complex data analysis". Seminar of LORIA, UMR CNRS 7503 - Nancy, France., March 23, 2016. Nancy, France pdf
  44. "Statistical learning of latent variable models for complex data analysis". Seminar of the lab of mathematics of Evry - LaMME UMR CNRS 8071, Evry, France., March 17, 2016. Evry, France pdf
  45. "Statistical learning of latent variable models for complex data analysis". Seminar of the lab of mathematics of Caen - LMNO UMR CNRS 6139, Caen, France., March 15, 2016. Caen, France pdf
  46. "Statistical learning of generative models for complex data analysis". Seminar of the lab of fundamental computer science of Marseille - LIF UMR CNRS 7279, Marseille, France., March 1st, 2016. Marseille, France pdf
  47. "Statistical learning of generative models for signal processing". Seminar of the center of research in computer science, signal and automatic control of Lille, Signal, Models and Applications-SIGMA team., March 07, 2016. Lille, France pdf
  48. "On some mixtures for modeling complex datasets". Seminar of Inria Lille-Nord Europe, Models ofr Data Analysis and Learning (Modal) team., 12 jan, 2016. Lille pdf
  49. "Robust non-normal mixtures of experts". ERCIM 2015 : The 8th International Conference of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics on Computational and Methodological Statistics, London, UK., December, 2015. London, UK pdf
  50. "Statistical learning of latent data models for complex data analysis". Seminar of the lab of Mathematics Paul Painlevé, UMR CNRS 8524., 04 Nov, 2015. Lille pdf
  51. "Model-based cluster and discriminant analysis for functional data". ERCIM 2014 : The 7th International Conference of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics on Computational and Methodological Statistics, Pisa, Italy., December, 2014. Pisa, Italy pdf
  52. "Mixture models for cluster analysis: from model-based inference to Bayesian non-parametrics". uLearnBio workshop of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Beijing., June, 2014. Beijing pdf
  53. "Learning probabilistic latent process models from temporal data". VIIth International Summer School ERMITES 2012 on Representations and Decisions in Cognitive Vision, La seyne/Mer., september, 2012. La seyne/Mer pdf
  54. "Apprentissage de modèles probabilistes à processus latent à partir de données temporelles". Seminaire GFD-LIPADE Université Paris 5., july, 2012. Paris pdf
  55. "Apprentissage de modèles génératifs à partir de données temporelles". Séminaire du Laboratoire LSIS., Feb, 2012. Toulon pdf
  56. "Apprentissage de modèles génératifs à partir de données temporelles". Séminaire du Laboratoire LSIS., Jan, 2012. Toulon pdf
  57. "Apprentissage de modèles probabilistes génératifs : Approches Bayésiennes Parcimonieuses pour des données fonctionnelles et des données multidimensionnelles". Séminaire du Laboratoire LSIS., Jan, 2012. Toulon pdf
  58. "Diagnostic par analyse de données longitudinales". TISIC, Séminaire n 13, "Analyse de Données Longitudinales"., March, 2011. FIAP, Paris pdf
  59. "Modèle probabiliste à base de processus latent pour la description et la classification de signaux". The Computer Science lab of Paris 13 University (LIPN)., April, 2010. Paris pdf
  60. "Modélisation probabiliste à base de processus latent de signaux monodimensionnels". Business Intelligence lab, Télécom-ParisTech., October, 2009. Paris pdf
  61. "Diagnostic par suivi de point de fonctionnement". Journée des doctorants Heudiasyc., July, 2009. Compiègne pdf
  62. "Modèle à processus latent pour la paramétrisation et l'apprentissage de signaux évolutifs. Application au diagnostic d'aiguillages". Séminaire DIAG, Inrets-LTN., April, 2009. Marne-La-Vallée
  63. "Modele de regression a processus logistique cache pour le diagnostic par suivi de point de fonctionnement des m�canismes d'aiguillages". Journée des doctorants LTN, INRETS., Nov, 2008. Arceuil pdf
  64. "Diagnostic par suivi de point de fonctionnement". Journée des doctorants Heudiasyc., July, 2008. Compiègne pdf
  65. "Régression à variable latente pour la modélisation des signaux de manøevre d'aiguillages". Journée des doctorants SPI, INRETS., July, 2008. Lille